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Help Even the Most Complex Clients with Conversational Uncommon Hypnotherapy

Become fluent in indirect hypnotic language and discover how to sidestep the tricky resistances of the conscious mind

Not this sort of hypnosis

The Uncommon Hypnotherapy course includes footage of a full therapy session for severe anxiety, plus the follow-up session

If you’re a hypnotherapist, you already know how useful hypnosis is, particularly for anxiety, complex clients or emergency cases.

And if you’re a psychotherapist, counsellor, coach, or other practitioner, you probably want to know what all the fuss is about.

Despite its, shall we say, ‘unusual’ reputation, hypnotherapy is simply a way of tapping into the way the mind already works.

And because you’re working with what nature provided, it’s much easier to help people adopt more useful ways of living.

But there is more than one way of going about hypnosis.

And not only that, but the ‘therapy’ part of ‘hypnotherapy’ right is just as important as the hypnosis itself.

That’s why we have refined more than twenty years of experience delivering hypnosis training into Uncommon Hypnotherapy an online training course both for practitioners learning hypnosis for the first time and for hypnotherapists who are interested in the Uncommon way of doing hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is the language of hidden ‘inner’ experience

Learning about hypnotic communication, with all its intricacies, really is learning a new language – the language of hidden human experience; the real truth behind what people say and do. And when you become fluent in conversational hypnosis, you gain access to this hidden world.

But it has to be the right sort of hypnosis

Not this sort of hypnosis

Not this sort of hypnosis

These days, hypnosis is often dumbed down into ‘speak softly and order people around’, but it wasn’t always like that. The teachers within tribes, communities, and societies have always understood how to talk so people will listen. And absorb.

So, true hypnotic language isn’t ‘close your eyes and do as I say’. True hypnosis is subtle and indirect language that can be blended into any situation and works artfully with the unique qualities the client brings with them. It’s deeply respectful because without that respect, it won’t work.

Learn to be an artist, rather than painting by numbers

Learn to be an artist, not paint by numbers

The best hypnosis is artful, colourful and respectful.

Many hypnotherapy courses will load you down with dozens – if not hundreds – of different inductions. And while scripts can be useful, we need to move beyond that stage quickly if we are to help the greatest number of people.

With the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course, you’ll become fluent in hypnotic language so you can hypnotize anyone in the best way for them to be hypnotized, according to their own unique personality and experience.

See ‘behind the curtain’ of human behaviour

Hypnosis is at the core of human psychology.

Hypnosis is at the core of human psychology.

The ‘Uncommon’ psychology you’ll learn from this course will illuminate much more of human behaviour that may have previously seemed weird or unpredictable.

You’ll know which approach and techniques will work best with your client’s problem, upping your success rate and making you a much more confident therapist.

You’ll be able to fine-tune your communication to get the outcomes you want in both the therapy room and your own relationships.

That’s the real beauty in Uncommon Hypnotherapy. And as a bonus, you’ll gain much greater control over your own emotional state, too.

Quickly develop confidence in your therapeutic abilities

Learning conversational, indirect hypnosis is like speaking a language fluently instead of using a phrasebook. If you have a phrasebook, you can get relatively far in a foreign country. You might be able to book a hotel for the night. But as soon as someone asks, “Do you want a view of the river?”, you’re totally lost. When you speak the language fluently, it’s natural and easy to respond.

Access your own unconscious resources

Because the skilled hypnotherapist goes into trance along with their client, they gain access to the full creativity of their unconscious mind.

Ask any therapist who has been able to confidently use hypnosis for any length of time. They’ll tell you that even if they are unsure of how to help a client, the ideas start to flow once the deeply relaxed phase of hypnosis begins.

The values and experience behind Uncommon Hypnotherapy

Mark Tyrrell and Roger ElliottUncommon Hypnotherapy is the brainchild of experienced hypnotherapy trainers Mark Tyrrell (that’s me) and Roger Elliott

For ten years, Roger and I taught a solution-focused hypnotherapy diploma at Brighton University in the south of England, before moving our training business online in 2008 in order to reach a worldwide audience.

Roger and I are also the co-founders of Hypnosis Downloads, the world’s busiest hypnosis site. Thousands of hypnotherapists buy our scripts every year, and most are repeat customers. And more than 10,000 practitioners subscribe to my therapy skills newsletter Clear Thinking.


Roger and I work hard to create down-to-earth, simple, and (hopefully) humorous training courses. Our core values:

  1. We believe in evidence-based psychology and steer well clear of fads.
  2. We believe in respectful, positive, solution-focused therapy.
  3. We believe in working in partnership with our clients, helping them draw on the unique resources and skills they already possess.
  4. We know that most therapists need less complexity and more clear ‘organizing ideas’ to be effective and confident.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy goes way beyond teaching techniques or inductions

In the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course, you’ll learn why the hypnotic state is the optimum state for learning and for changing thinking and behaviour. Based around indirect ‘Ericksonian hypnosis’, the course will give you highly flexible hypnotic language skills.

At the end of the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course, students will know more about hypnosis than the majority of practicing hypnotherapists. Why? Because they will understand the central role of hypnosis in directing human psychology.

Four things you’ll love about Uncommon Hypnotherapy…

1) Learn how to speak conversational hypnosis

Hypnosis is often dumbed down and explained as speaking softly and ordering people around, but that’s missing the point almost entirely. True hypnotic language isn’t ‘close your eyes and do as I say’ but artful, subtle, and indirect.

2) Artfully use hypnosis without scripts

With your new in-depth knowledge of psychology, you’ll know exactly what approach and techniques to use with your clients. No need to find a script that fits the client’s problem because you’ll be able to use hypnosis to treat each client as an individual.

3) Know how to apply hypnosis to a wide range of psychological problems

Uncommon Hypnotherapy comes with 7 short ebooks + 7 videos (we call them Hypnosis Blueprints) written by Mark on how to treat a range of psychological problems with hypnosis. The titles include low self-esteem, anxiety, stress, and hidden conditioning.

4) Watch recorded hypnosis sessions

Being a fly on the wall, watching techniques being performed, is a great way to learn. That’s why Uncommon Hypnotherapy contains several live recordings of hypnosis sessions for you to watch. We’ve also subtitled the videos with what the hypnotherapist is thinking as he or she speaks, so you’ll get an even greater insight into how these approaches are constructed and delivered.

What’s inside the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course

1) 3 hours of hypnosis workshop video

Workshop screenshotsBasic hypnosis courses teach students how to use pre-written hypnosis scripts. This course teaches you how to integrate the language patterns and techniques into your everyday conversation – no scripts required. You will learn how to confidently hypnotize someone and communicate with their unconscious mind as naturally as you would chat to a good friend.

2) Live client session videos of hypnotherapy for severe anxiety

Footage of Mark Tyrrell treating a clientWatch Mark Tyrrell treat a woman for severe anxiety stemming from a violent relationship. This subtitled video includes a follow up session one week later where the client talks about what has improved and why. This is an instructive example of Uncommon Hypnotherapy in action, with the use of fascinating language patterns, metaphors and stories.

3) 9 therapy technique training videos

9 therapy technique training videosThese short instructional videos were shot with actors to ensure clear communication of the skills being taught. Including voiceover audio and onscreen explanations of what is happening, these videos are a new, cutting-edge therapy training tool.

4) 8 audio lectures on Uncommon Hypnotherapy, with transcripts

As well as the Uncommon Hypnosis course, which contains 3 hours of hypnosis workshop video (that you watch online), you get 8 hypnosis lectures given by Mark and Roger and covering:

  1. How hypnosis is central to understanding human psychology
  2. Structured hypnotic inductions
  3. Self-hypnosis and how to help yourself
  4. Hypnotic language
  5. Anchoring and pattern matching
  6. Ways to communicate with a person’s unconscious mind
  7. Enhancing hypnotic communication
  8. Your client’s Primal Human Needs and how to use hypnosis to help meet them.

The self-study pack is supported by additional audio, articles, assignments, and tests, all deepening your insight into hypnosis and how you can use it to help others.

5) Subtitled demonstration videos

Subtitled demonstrationsWe’ve subtitled commentary at points throughout the live demonstrations so you know exactly what the hypnotist is thinking as he or she uses different techniques. As well as observing hypnotic phenomena like eyelid catalepsy and hand levitation, you’ll understand how they come about, how to create phenomena, and how they can be used to further therapeutic goals.

6) How to approach specific issues with hypnosis: 7 ebooks and over 2 hours of video

Hypnosis Blueprints with scriptsWhile every client is different, there are certain approaches that work very well for certain conditions. Our 7 Hypnosis Blueprints (ebook + video guides) will guide you through psychotherapeutic approaches you can use to help your clients (or yourself!). Learn how to use hypnosis to…

  • Overcome procrastination
  • Perform at the ‘alpha’ level
  • Understand yourself and others
  • Build self-confidence
  • Overcome fear and anxiety
  • Eradicate hidden conditioning
  • Be more persuasive and influential.

7) Monthly Live Question & Answer Session with Mark

Join your fellow students from this and our other courses to ask Mark questions about the course and any therapy-related queries you have. You can ask your questions live on the call or submit them beforehand and if you can’t make the live calls, they’ll be available to download the following day (in mp3 format).

8) Private Facebook Group

Access to the Uncommon Practitioners Private Facebook Group where you can chat with like-minded practitioners, get support, discuss cases or just share your latest beautiful photo.

90-day money back guarantee

Money Back GuaranteeIf you’re not happy with the quality of Uncommon Hypnotherapy, just let us know within three months of purchasing it and you will get a full refund. We have such faith in our products that we’re happy to offer this 90-day guarantee period for all of them.

Still not sure what hypnosis is?

We created this 90-second cartoon so you can understand how hypnosis works. Click below to watch the video.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy is… subtle and indirect

  • The difference between old-style, authoritarian, ‘you are getting sleepy’ hypnosis and modern, indirect, Ericksonian, ‘conversational’ hypnosis.
  • How to get around resistant types.
  • The remarkable power of expectation and how to harness it in therapy.
  • How to embed suggestions in conversation.
  • How expectancy creates post-hypnotic suggestion or pattern matching.
  • The perfect amount of eye contact for maximum believability.
  • How your emotional state filters incoming information and how you can use this.
  • How to influence without bossing people around.
  • How to use presupposition to create a new psychological blueprint.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy is… word magic

  • How to create therapeutic post-hypnotic suggestions.
  • Why telling people they are wonderful doesn’t work and what to do instead.
  • How to use ‘sleight of mouth’ to get your message considered.
  • How to give people choice but still get the outcome they need.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy is… deep insights into the human mind

  • The fundamental principle of unconscious pattern matching and the insights it gives us into emotional problems – such as phobias or addictions – and all human behaviour.
  • Razor-sharp insights into the function of the unconscious mind and how it developed.
  • What the conscious mind is best for and what to leave to the unconscious.
  • When focusing on problems can make things worse and how to focus beyond the problem.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy is… performance-maximizing knowledge

  • Immediately get beyond the ‘reading scripts’ stage where so many hypnotherapists get stuck.
  • Why the imagination is as powerful as reality – and how to use this in hypnosis.
  • Why learning hypnosis is the quickest way to solve problems or improve performance.
  • The different types of trance and how to spot them in others.
  • How to maximize your success hypnotizing others.
  • Demonstration of arm levitation phenomenon and why it happens.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy is… the real deal (no scripts necessary)

  • The reason for the old watch-swinging technique – why it worked (sometimes!).
  • Find out what hypnosis actually is and how it is connected to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state of sleep.
  • Why catalepsy (paralysis) occurs in hypnosis and how to encourage it.
  • Different ways of entering hypnosis – progressive relaxation or the shock tactics of stage hypnosis – and why these use the same mechanism.
  • Why you must be flexible to use hypnosis well.
  • Milton Erickson’s utilization principle of changing the approach to fit the subject – so you can be successful with anyone.
  • Demonstration of a naturalistic induction – the utilization principle in action.

Testimonials from previous students

These testimonials come from happy customers who bought our Uncommon Hypnotherapy course (previously called Hypnosis Unwrapped).

"This course takes my therapies to another level"

The whole course is simply amazing! I really love it.... Read More
- Tina Medniene, Clinical hypnotherapist, London, UK.

"A hypnotherapy course that [is] responsive to the client"

I spent years looking for a hypnotherapy course that was... Read More
- Katharine Clarke, Psychologist, Southern Highlands, New South Wales, Australia.

"I was able to integrate the use of hypnotherapy in my own practice right away"

I very much enjoyed that after completing the course, I... Read More
- Audrey O'Neal, Psychotherapist, USA.

"This course gave me a wonderful fresh perspective and way of working"

I enjoyed the classroom presence - I felt part of... Read More
- Vicky Chandler, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Melbourne, Australia.

Closing thoughts from Mark Tyrrell

Mark TyrrellIf you, like me, believe every client must be treated as an unique individual, and cannot be dealt with by cookie cutter approaches, then you’ll find Uncommon Hypnotherapy hugely beneficial to your therapy work.

The framework of psychology and hypnosis that I teach in this course will help you become a highly flexible therapy practitioner, able to deal creatively with whoever walks through your clinic door.

To your therapeutic success,

Mark Tyrrell

Mark Tyrrell Signature

P.S I know this price seems incredibly low for all the resources you’ll receive but I want this knowledge to reach as many people as possible. And as always, this course is covered by our rock-solid guarantee. I’ll see you in the course!

This course will be open soon. Click here to register to be notified.

Here are some more testimonials from previous students

"It would be impossible not to benefit personally and professionally"

Well thought through structure, high quality content combined with outstanding... Read More
- Eamonn Bicknell, Business Coach, Gold Coast, Australia.

"On completion, I had a clear understanding of the psychology"

Thank you for such a robust hypnotherapy course - I... Read More
- Adrien Amadeo, Creativity Life Coach, Vancouver, Canada.

"Focuses on what actually works"

The Uncommon Hypnotherapy course's value is in its currency. Many... Read More
- Mark Gerrand, Engineer, hypnotherapist, Young, Australia.

"Provides a solid basis for the use of hypnosis as well as encouraging creativity"

The course is very well structured, comprehensive, with plenty of... Read More
- Lucica Gray, Counsellor, Tillicoultry, UK.

"Course is easy to access, entertaining, useful, and highly recommended"

The Uncommon Hypnotherapy course has given me a significantly deeper... Read More
- John Valliant Lauritzen, Psychologist, Copenhagen, Denmark.

“I’ve had many hypnotherapy teachers over the year and always left the course feeling that something was missing, prompting me to read endlessly on my own. You were the first one to make me sit up and say, “YES! This is the way.”

I loved this course. Thanks so much. Mark, I love... Read More
- Meredith Easton Mendes, Founder of The Healing Garden from East Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Meredith Mendes

“I was delighted to find a course that gives a comprehensive explanation of what hypnosis is, with lots of supplementary materials to expand the course content, and with several demonstrations that show clearly the techniques being taught.”

My degree in Psychology is from the University of Tulsa,... Read More
- Monica McIntyre, Reiki Master, Oklahoma, USA.
Monica McIntyre

“I’m very pleased and very happy with the courses through Uncommon Knowledge. I found the courses so professional, interesting and informative.”

I have just completed the course, and have LOVED it.... Read More
- Tammy, Australia.
Tammy and her lovely wee dog :)

“I write this testimonial because I have never, until now, experienced the level of sincere kindness, professionalism, integrity, and attention Mark and his staff have shown me.”

When potential Uncommon Hypnotherapy clients are deciding on taking this... Read More
- William Johnson, Rewind practitioner, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

“The resources seemed endless, I got so much more than I expected.”

I was hesitant at first over the cost of the... Read More
- Allen Anderson, Indiana, USA.

“Your course was a great refresher and reminder of many tools and skills of therapeutic practise along with some new (to me) simple and practical ones as well.”

Thank you all at Uncommon Knowledge for a very well... Read More
- Susan Crozier, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Naturopath, Queensland, Australia.

“This course has opened my eyes to self-improvement in a new way”

Wow… what to say first. I suppose thank you! I’ve... Read More
- Andrew McAuley, Pharmacy Dispenser, Basingstoke, England.

“This knowledge and these skills will be so good to have, not just for my work as a psychotherapist but also for me personally and in my relationships.”

This is one of the most useful, enjoyable, interesting, and... Read More
- Ineke Rienks, Psychologist, Cognitive Behavioral and EMDR Therapist, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

“I found that the hypnosis skills I learned help me treat clients on a deeper level.”

I found the Uncommon Hypnotherapy very interesting and well presented.... Read More
- Jane Giles, Professional Counsellor, Australia.

"I can see the immediate effect on their bodies as they start to relax for the first time in a long time"

Just listening to Mark and Roger's delivery is beneficial, they... Read More
- Frances, Counsellor and Coach, British Columbia, Canada.

"I highly recommend this course for any practitioner wanting to learn how to use hypnotherapy in their practice"

The Uncommon Hypnotherapy course is a great way to learn... Read More
- Lisa McGinn, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, California, USA.

"Completing this excellent, professional course has consolidated my understanding of the power of deep, focused relaxation"

Mark and Roger's work has opened me up to a... Read More
- Jane Holloway, Counsellor/Mental Health Social Worker, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia.

"A user-friendly way to learn science-based, well-crafted, hypnotic language"

Uncommon Hypnotherapy is a user-friendly way to learn science-based, well-crafted,... Read More
- Corey Turnbull, Counsellor, Toronto, Canada.

“I would strongly recommend this course to anyone who was focused on delivering therapeutic results safely and effectively.”

Wow… what to say first. I suppose thank you! I’ve... Read More
- Andrew Mcauley.

“I always love taking your courses!”

I always love taking your courses! I find them invaluable... Read More
- Victoria, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Sydney, Australia.

"I could put the learning into practice immediately"

This course is easy to understand yet full of rich... Read More
- Cathie Hutchison, Psychotherapist, Musselburgh, East Lothian.

"I found the courses on Uncommon Hypnotherapy a great help"

As I have just started out as a practitioner, I... Read More
- Paul Burton, Spain.

"The course was like no other."

The course was like no other. It really opened my... Read More
- Brian Grobman, BS C.HT, New York.

"It's simply fun"

This course doesn't only show what hypnosis is but explains... Read More
- Esther Uhland, Teacher, musician, hypnotherapist, Switzerland.

“I really like how Mark and Roger have structured the program, with lots of reading material, simple and easy to understand explanations.”

I love the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course. I really like how... Read More
- Ashlesh Rao, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bangalore, India.

“You’ve helped me understand the thought and reasons behind the tools and techniques — not just what to do, but why.”

“I was certified in 2000 by a school that taught... Read More
- James Stewart, Salt Lake City, USA.

“I can step into my future with confidence.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Hypnosis Unwrapped Course as it felt... Read More
- Rose Morgan, Hypnotherapist, Christchurch, New Zealand.

“New concepts about the role of hypnotic induction really enriched my way of thinking as a whole.”

“The course presentation very integrated, compact, could always refer back... Read More
- Pieter G Spies, Senior Social Work Practitioner, Wales.

“Thank you for a lovely course and your enthusiasm in presenting this material.”

“This course has good structure and clear building blocks to... Read More
- Louis van der Bank, Australia.

“Learning these things in this way has anchored it far more in my mind than any other readings I have done.”

“I specifically enjoyed how each session was presented in the... Read More
- Lynda Curlette, Nanton Alberta, Canada.

“This is different than most books and courses that I’ve seen. Those typically tape a seminar and sell it on a DVD, or they’ll write books that are terse and difficult to comprehend or use in real world situations.”

“I would like to say that this hypnosis home study... Read More
- Dan Weber, Colorado, USA.

“Both courses were easy to follow and very thorough”

“This course and the Rewind course have been life-altering, both on a... Read More
- Charlaine Skinner-Stahan, RP and ICADC, Ontario, Canada.

This course will be open soon. Click here to register to be notified.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between the Uncommon Hypnosis and Uncommon Hypnotherapy courses?
Uncommon Hypnosis is for anyone who wants to know more about hypnosis and get practical step-by-step ways of using it to make themselves or loved ones feel better. It’s not aimed at therapists, but more for a person who is intrigued by how the unconscious mind works. It’s taken by people from all walks of life, young and old, male and female, those who have read a lot about hypnosis and NLP, and those completely new to the whole concept. No certificate of completion is provided.

Uncommon Hypnotherapy contains everything that’s in Uncommon Hypnosis, but also additional material on psychology and how to use these techniques in the therapy environment. There are 8 lectures (5 audio, 3 video) going further in-depth into updated psychological understandings, as well as hypnotic techniques. We also provide live footage of Mark working with a therapy client, an instructive example of Uncommon Hypnotherapy in action, with the use of fascinating language patterns, metaphors, and stories. Uncommon Hypnotherapy is typically taken by practitioners (therapists, nurses, social workers, and more) wanting to learn more about therapeutic hypnosis or practising hypnotherapists wanting to use conversational Ericksonian hypnosis. A certificate of completion is sent to you when you pass the Uncommon Hypnotherapy course, along with confirmation of 12 CPD hours/points earned.

Neither course provides an official qualification in professional hypnotherapy, as we’re unable to evaluate your skills in-person.

What will I learn in each session of the course?

Session 1 – Uncommon hypnosis

We will demonstrate how an understanding of hypnosis is central to understanding human psychology. Not just a way to stop smoking or light entertainment, but a governing principle in all human behaviour.

Learning this ‘uncommon knowledge’ will enable you to understand complex and irrational reactions through the process of ‘pattern matching’ and REM (rapid eye movement). You will then understand why the hypnotic techniques you will build over the coming Sessions are so powerful. They will also take you through the steps for a relaxing ‘conversational’ induction. These will include some hypnotic processes such as:

  • Utilization
  • Nominalizations
  • How to help someone build a multi-sensory hypnotic experience.

Session 2 – Structured hypnotic inductions

We explain how to use structured inductions, give examples, and emphasize the importance of keeping your language positive.

Session 3 – Self hypnosis

Self hypnosis is the single most powerful personal development tool. We will guide you to understand how self hypnosis can bring you the reins to your emotional health.

We will also demonstrate how hypnotic preparation and rehearsal are key to optimum performance. And you will recognize the power of expectation in determining the outcome of events.

Session 4 – The language of hypnosis

Mark explains how embedded commands work through pattern matching. The importance of creating positive expectation with your language through the use of positive presupposition and how to use:

  • Illusory choice
  • Positive nominalizations
  • Overlapping sensory experience
  • Permissively/indirectly phrased language.

Session 5 – Anchoring and pattern matching

Consolidating your knowledge through a short refresher of what you have learned so far. We will then describe the wider implications of pattern matching and anchoring in everyday life. This naturally occurring process ‘glues’ emotion to a stimulus – a person, an object, a situation, even a thought.

Mark and Roger have worked with clients who have had all sorts of reactions to things such as belly buttons and snack packets, as well as the more usual stuff like spider phobias and public performance.

The hypnotic technique of anchoring allows you to hypnotically develop resourceful states in circumstances that may have been challenging in the past. We often keep resourceful states patterned in one area of our lives, so we may be relaxed with a friend and a shaky wreck with our boss. Learning how to naturally and effortlessly utilize our resources in all situations makes life so much more enjoyable and fun.

Session 6 – More ways to communicate with a person’s unconscious mind

Mark explains the principle of ‘splitting’ and describes how to use ‘priming’ (also known as ‘seeding’) conversationally. He talks about:

  • Metaphors
  • Embedded commands
  • Voice tonality
  • Double entendres
  • Puns and jokes
  • Facial expression and body language
  • Sandwiching.

He discusses why these modes of communication appeal directly to the unconscious mind and briefly explores how ‘double binds’ can hold problem behaviours in place.

Session 7 – Enhancing hypnotic communication

Indirect hypnosis – we talk about resistance, a term often used in psychological circles to describe a person who seems unlikely to change or is displaying behaviour that consistently opposes what the therapist or teacher is saying.

Recognizing resistance and knowing how to use the motivation that drives behaviour is not only relevant in hypnotic communication, but gives you the edge in everyday situations, too. It will make you more persuasive in a very subtle way.

And a chance to hear the expert at work! Listen to a mini-induction and experience the effects that putting all the skills together can have.

Session 8 – Primal human (or emotional) needs

We look at primal human needs, the foundation of all good mental health. Checking these primal human needs in yourself or your clients gives you a road map for how to structure your life to inoculate yourself against psychological problems.

Do I need to be a hypnotherapist to do this course?
No. This course assumes no knowledge of hypnosis whatsoever. However, taking this course does not make you a licensed or certified hypnotherapist. Licensing and certification arrangements differ from country to country and we made a decision several years ago that we would not accredit therapists via purely online courses. Uncommon Hypnotherapy is typically taken by therapists, counsellors, and coaches to add a new skill to their toolbox and also by hypnotherapists looking to upgrade their knowledge of indirect hypnotherapy. In the past, we have had people from disciplines such as social work, nursing, massage therapy, and more take our courses. We welcome anyone with an interest in helping others to the Uncommon Hypnotherapy online course.
Do I get a certificate if I complete the course?
Uncommon Hypnotherapy certificate
Yes. We’ll send you a certificate of completion when you have passed the final test.
Does this course qualify me to be a hypnotherapist?
No. Because our training is done online and we’re unable to observe your practice of hypnosis techniques and give feedback, this course is not a qualification in professional hypnotherapy. This course is for professionals who want to improve their therapeutic skills or for interested laypeople.
How many continuing professional development hours does this course give me?
We’ve attributed 12 CPD hours to this course and we’ll confirm this when we send your completion certificate.
Does this course teach me NLP?
NLP (neurolinguistic programming) is a system that was created from the study of hypnosis and particularly Milton H. Erickson, perhaps the greatest therapist of modern times. Uncommon Hypnotherapy fully embraces the work of Erickson and so the approaches you’ll learn here encompass NLP techniques.
How long do I have to complete the course?
You’ll have access to the online course for as long as you need.
How does it work?
  1. You access the course by choosing your preferred option then enter your payment details. Your log in details will be emailed to you almost immediately.
  2. Once you’ve got your log in details, you can access the course materials, including a welcome video from Mark, and the comments section where you can introduce yourself to your fellow students.
  3. You can begin Session 1 immediately, where you’ll see a checklist that shows what you need to do to complete that session. This includes listening to the audio lecture, reading supporting materials, and watching videos. During the session, you’ll learn about how hypnosis is central to understanding all human psychology, what hypnosis is, and its connection to dreaming. We also talk about pattern matching, how the unconscious mind works, and how to do a conversational indirect hypnotic induction without once directly asking someone to go into hypnosis. We also look at the powerful principle of utilization.
  4. You complete a short assignment then a multiple choice test and move on to Session 2. And so on through each of the 8 Sessions (there are no assignments for Sessions 2 and 7, and no tests for Sessions 6 and 7).
  5. As you go along, you ask any questions in the comments boxes you’ll find on every page, or save them up for the monthly live Q&A call.
  6. You continue through the course in this fashion until you have completed the Checklists, assignments and tests.
  7. We send you your certificate, along with confirmation of 12 CPD points/hours earned.
Why take an online course?
We trained people face-to-face for a decade while we ran our diploma course at Brighton University, in the south of England. When we moved our training online in 2008 in order to reach a worldwide audience, we were a little sceptical. We assumed people wouldn’t learn so well online; that live training had to be more effective than online training. But, as it turns out, we were wrong. In a traditional face-to-face training, you see the demonstrations only once and hear the presentations only once. And, inevitably, when you go away and try to implement your new skills, questions come up. But, of course, the training has finished, so you can’t ask them. With an online course, you can try things out, then come back to the group to ask any questions you have, review the relevant part of the training, and then go back and give it another shot. We’ve found people who learn online learn more deeply and thoroughly, which is why we now train people internationally. The process of learning, trying something out, then coming back with questions and reflections seems to work incredibly well when learning new therapy skills.
I'm not good with computers, is this online course for me?
A lot of the people who take our courses are not very tech-savvy (therapists don’t seem to be computer people, in our experience!). That’s why the team here at Uncommon Knowledge has designed the online training platform to be as easy to use as possible. So if you can use a mouse, use your email, and type, you’ll be able to do this course. In addition, your course leader Mark Tyrrell is a self-confessed technophobe and so Uncommon U has been created with him in mind. We also have our awesome Uncommon Care support team on hand to help you with any questions you may have.
Why learn from Uncommon Knowledge?
When it comes to teaching hypnosis, we’ve covered a lot of miles. Way back in 1994 our first workshop was ‘How to Use Hypnosis To Help Yourself and Others’, and in 1999 we started a hypnotherapy diploma course which trained hundreds of hypnotherapists. We developed other workshops and in 2008 we moved them all online. We’ve spent a lot of time refining how we teach hypnotherapy and the psychology you need to make it most effective, and we think we’ve created a something quite special in our Uncommon Hypnotherapy Course. We have excellent customer testimonials for both our products and our customer service, and offer a 90-day money back guarantee, so you can give the Uncommon Hypnotherapy Course a try with confidence.
How can I contact you?

Contact us by email here.

We’ll do our very best to get back to you within 24 hours – we manage this over 95% of the time.

When you submit your query, we’ll send you an automatic response confirming receipt of your query. If you don’t see this email in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

In the unlikely event that you do not hear back from us within 48 hours, you can assume something has gone wrong between you sending the email and us receiving it. In this case, please contact us again, making sure your contact email address is entered correctly.

By Phone: +44 (0)1631 569895 9am-5pm GMT Mon-Thu, 9am-3.30pm Fri. For the current UK time, click here. Outside these hours, you may leave a message with our answering service and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Within the UK, calls are charged at normal rates; for international rates, please check with your service provider.

By Post: Uncommon Knowledge Ltd, 3rd Floor, Boswell House, Argyll Square, Oban, PA34 4BD

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