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Uncommon Practitioners' Therapy Worksheets Library

Although I don't tend to use worksheets in therapy myself, I do know how helpful they can be, particularly when you are learning as a therapist, coach or counsellor, or with particular types of client. At the very least they can give you ideas and steps to use with a client before you see them! All the worksheets in this library are free.

  • Identifying Emotions Worksheet Cover

    Identifying Emotions Worksheet: Enhancing Emotional Clarity

    As practitioners, emotions are the main topic of conversation with clients. But what if our clients don’t really know what they’re feeling, other than that they feel bad? Being able to understand and identify emotions is a crucial part of emotional intelligence, which in turn plays a major role in our overall mental health. Emotions–from […]

  • Conflict Resolution Worksheet Cover

    Conflict Resolution Worksheet: Navigating Relationship Challenges

    It’s an uncomfortable fact, but conflict is part of life. Differences in needs, opinions and behaviour inevitably lead to relationship friction at some stage. The ability to handle conflict calmly and flexibly is key to preserving relationships in the long term. Conflict can manifest in many forms, including passive-aggressive behaviour, direct confrontation, defensive stonewalling or […]

  • Locus of Control Worksheet Cover

    Locus of Control Worksheet: Enhance Personal Agency

    What we think we can control and what we think we can’t makes all the difference. Whether we feel hopeless in the face of things we could change or try to control things we can’t, the emotional fallout can be severe. For clients, understanding the concept of locus of control can be a huge step […]

  • Self Care Worksheet Cover

    Self Care Worksheet: Prioritizing Wellbeing and Meeting Primal Human Needs

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients make self care part of life Effective self-care must be more than just an occasional indulgence; it needs to be an integrated part of a healthy lifestyle. Adequate rest, nutrition, exercise, social interaction and so on are essential for good physical and emotional health. And […]

  • Wise Mind Worksheet Cover

    Wise Mind Worksheet: Balancing Emotional and Rational Thinking

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients understand and manage their mind more wisely In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), the concept of the ‘wise mind’ is a balanced state that integrates emotional and rational thinking. In everyday life, your clients can swing between cold logic and overpowering emotions, each leading to different […]

  • Recognizing Triggers Worksheet Cover

    Recognizing Triggers Worksheet: Mastering Emotional Responses

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients reduce extreme emotional reactions Being ‘triggered’ can be both painful at the time and lead to feelings of being out of control of oneself more generally. Regaining control of these reactions is a critical part of developing emotional maturity. Triggers are often linked to past […]

  • Emotional Regulation Worksheet Cover

    Emotional Regulation Worksheet: Navigating Emotional Responses

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help clients moderate and manage emotional reactions Emotional regulation is an important aspect of psychological well being, yet is not always fully understood. Misunderstandings about emotional regulation often lead to an unhealthy suppression of feelings, which can make things worse rather than better. The Emotional Regulation Worksheet is […]

  • Fact or Opinion Worksheet Cover

    Fact or Opinion Worksheet: Enhancing Clarity of Thought

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help clients think more clearly and calmly Understanding the distinction between facts and opinions is important for both effective communication and mental health. It can be easy to confuse opinions-personal beliefs shaped by emotions and experiences-with facts; objective and verifiable truths. This confusion can lead to persistent negative […]

  • I Statement Worksheet Cover

    I Statement Worksheet: Enhancing Dialogue and Reducing Conflict

    Download this free therapy worksheet PDF to help your clients have difficult conversations more comfortably We all know how essential effective communication is to keep our relationships healthy, whether personal or professional. And particularly in difficult conversations, the way we express dissatisfaction can either open up a dialogue or shut it down. As established in […]

  • Radical Acceptance Worksheet Cover

    Radical Acceptance Worksheet: Challenging Clients’ Denial

    Download this free worksheet PDF to help clients identify and overcome denial Denial acts as an emotional defence mechanism where a problem may be unconsciously recognized and understood, but consciously denied or not accepted. In the short term, it can feel far more comfortable to ‘put your head in the sand’, but in the longer […]