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Make Battling With Smokers
a Thing of the Past

Use this powerful system of elegant metaphor and psychological jujitsu to become the go-to quit-smoking hypnotherapist in your area

If you’ve spent any time treating clients for their smoking habit, you’ll be familiar with that ‘ganged up on’ feeling.

You know: the sense that you’re actually fighting the smoker in your treatment room, rather than helping them.

And that they’ve got backup fighting for them too – the cigarettes.

This is the trap that many smoking cessation practitioners fall into, and the trap that most quit smoking systems fail to address.

And it’s so frustrating isn’t it? They’re arguing against their own health – their own life, but you can’t see a way through the addictive defence shield.

Because there’s something very clever indeed about the way cigarettes fool the smoker…

"Smoking marketing"

Creative strategies for stubborn smokers

Although your smoking client came to you asking for help, their addiction grants them artfully creative ‘logic’ to justify their habit, dismiss their ability to stop smoking, resist your ability to help them, and keep on smoking. No matter what you try, whatever ‘punches’ you throw, one or both of your opponents is ready for you.

It’s human nature. Even your client’s most unreasonable and self-defeating excuses seem perfectly reasonable to them, because the maddening (to you) behaviours that surround addiction and habit operate on an unconscious level. Which is why, despite its critical importance to the client’s health, smoking cessation treatment can feel to the therapist like a never-ending crusade.

It’s all too common to hear:

  • “I had such a bad day; I really needed that smoke.”
  • “I can’t stop; my father was addicted and I’m addicted… It must be genetic.”
  • “The thing is, I have an addictive personality.”
  • “I don’t think I’m ready to quit just yet.”
  • “This just hasn’t worked for me.”

The real smoking deal

And the phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of so many competent smoking cessation practitioners:

“The trouble is, I really like smoking.”

Your smoker might even agree with all you say and seem to take it to heart, not realizing that their inner resistance is working hard to sabotage both of you. And there’s the key:

Turning your client into a ‘double agent’

You need to recruit your client to your side, against the cigarettes.

When you learn how to sidestep all resistance, it’s like dropping your end of a tug-of-war rope. The struggle ends and you can then help them turn that resistance against the smoking habit and pull together to defeat the real enemy once and for all.

And when you have such confidence in your smoking cessation approach, it sets your creativity free to make each session more enjoyable for both you and your client.

More than just new techniques; an entirely new plan of attack

When you learn ‘How to Stop Anyone Smoking’, you’ll start by gaining an empowering new mindset for yourself about smoking cessation. This new way of thinking will obliterate your old beliefs and give you a fresh understanding of how smoking works.

Armed with this new Uncommon Knowledge, you will see your smoking clients’ habitual behaviour through a fascinatingly clear lens of understanding. No longer will the rationale for their responses, actions, and arguments be perplexing. And the steps you need to take with them will feel so obvious, you’ll be amazed you didn’t see them before.

You will have the key to release your client from their smoking cage.

Enable images to view the Smoking cage

Recruit the unconscious mind to win the campaign

Your client may act like their smoking is a conscious decision, but no one consciously wants to smoke. (If you need further proof of that, remember who set the session appointment.)

We all know that attempting to argue away beliefs is like hacking away at the stems of garden weeds; they may back off for a time, but until you exterminate the root, they’ll continue to choke off positive new growth. This is why How to Stop Anyone Smoking teaches you how to work at the unconscious level to change the smoker’s attitude towards their habit.

Together against the cigarettes

Another key element of the Uncommon Knowledge smoking cessation system is the awareness that rapport is everything in therapy. The approach we teach enables you to maintain high levels of rapport with your client throughout the smoking cessation process. You and your client will feel you’re fighting together against the cigarettes, rather than you struggling with your client over an attempt to steal something they love. Just imagine how this will revolutionize your experience with smoking clients.

What if they relapse?

Often our graduates find they only need one or two sessions with a client to free them of smoking. But if your client relapses, there’s no need to be filled with dismay and have your self confidence shaken.

If your smoker does relapse, you’ll know how to steer them gently back to the non-smoking road using the tried-and-tested responses we’ll teach you.

Testimonials from our previous delegates

“I knew this course was good before I took it, because some of the materials they used to market it made me quit smoking.”

How to Stop Anyone Smoking’ is a course that changed... Read More
- Alina Tanase, Psychotherapist, Constanta, Romania.

"Jim had one 1.5 hour session with me and left my clinic as a non smoker."

I found the course fantastic, it really explained the psychology... Read More
- Anni Casey, Natural Therapist, Sydney, Australia.

The How to Stop Anyone Smoking system is based on the Uncommon Knowledge approach to smoking cessation. It’s a simple step-by-step process to make your smoking cessation clients into true non-smokers, developed over 15 years of training therapists, running smoking cessation workshops and 20 years of treating individual clients.

Course prerequisites

To get the most out of the How to Stop Anyone Smoking course, you must have an existing understanding of hypnotic language. Being familiar with using hypnotic language in therapy will make treating smokers much easier. We recommend that you have one of the following:

  • A diploma or certification in hypnotherapy or NLP
  • Completed our Uncommon Hypnosis course
  • Completed our Uncommon Hypnotherapy course.

How the ‘How to Stop Anyone Smoking’ home study course works

Uncommon U and Uncommon Practitioners

All you need is internet access to learn this highly effective approach to turning smoking clients into non-smoking clients!

You’ll be sent your login details for Uncommon U, our online training center. Within this private login area, you have access to discussion areas where you can ask questions, bounce around an idea with others to further your understanding of the information, or just chat with and get to know your fellow delegates.

And support doesn’t end when the course does! From the day your learning commences, you will have access to Uncommon U for one year, where you can discuss your learning, get support and develop a community with other Uncommon distance learning delegates.

There will also be monthly live Q&A calls with Mark. That’s where you can ask Mark whatever you like and he’ll reply personally – just as if you were talking on the phone. You can submit your questions beforehand, or live, and we’ll record the session and send it out to you if you miss it, or just want to refer back to it again.

What’s included in the ‘How To Stop Anyone Smoking Course’?

Smoking pack and mark certificate

    • Comprehensive course notes – a 122 page PDF workbook with overviews and summaries of each session, transcripts of the presentations and checklists to work through.
    • 5 audio lectures – which you can listen to online or download and listen on your computer, tablet or phone.
    • Real client treatment videos – watch Mark treat a challenging smoking cessation client using the Uncommon approach.
    • Monthly Live Question & Answer Session with Mark – join your fellow students from this and our other courses to ask Mark questions about the course and any therapy-related queries you have. You can ask your questions live on the call or submit them beforehand and if you can’t make the live calls, they’ll be available to download the following day (in mp3 format).
    • Audio overview of whole course summarizing all the techniques from the course to give you a simple way to see how it all fits together, and refresh your knowledge.
    • Supporting articles including a clear summary of the reframes and metaphors you will employ.
    • Self test quizzes to embed your knowledge.
    • Dedicated course support – Kirstin, head of our Uncommon Care Team, will be on hand to answer any queries you might have, via email, telephone or within Uncommon U, our online training platform.
    • Certificate of completion on successful completion of the course, you will receive a personalized certificate along with confirmation of 14 CPD hours/points earned.
    • Confirmation of 14 hours/points for your Continuing Professional Development.
    • Access to the Uncommon Practitioners Private Facebook Group where you can chat with like-minded practitioners, get support, discuss cases or just share your latest beautiful photo.


    • Our complete 10 Steps to Become a Non-Smoker Hypnosis Downloads program – including ten hypnosis scripts and ten hypnosis audio (mp3) sessions (a US $294 value).
    • An additional ‘mind setter’ MP3 session for your own use because if you’re in the right frame of mind, smoking cessation treatment becomes much easier.
    • 3 ‘Audio Insights’ going in-depth into the psychology behind smoking – titled ‘Beating Addictions and Smoking with Hypnosis’, ‘the Utilization Technique’ and ‘Dealing with Resistance’ (mp3).


    • Client Attractor Pack read on to find out more about this valuable resource…

    So you’ve done the course and you’re ready to take down the tobacco industry, by hypnotically blasting addictions everywhere. You’ve had a few clients and you’re amazed at the success you’ve had.

    But how do you tell the world (or, at least, your community) that you can successfully treat smokers?

    Well, we’re here to help. As a bonus, everyone who does the How to Stop Anyone Smoking course, will receive a FREE Client Attractor Pack.

    Smoking Client Attractor Pack

    Ready made marketing materials to bring clients into your practice

    The Client Attractor Pack includes the following...

    We know how difficult marketing can be. According to the surveys we’ve done and the discussions we’ve had with our therapist friends, that’s one area that people said they had particular trouble with. We’ve heard time and time again that they’d prefer to focus on their clients, not on continually drumming up business.

    But once you get the resources you need from the Client Attractor Pack, you’ll be able to boost the numbers of smokers coming through your door.

    The Client Attractor Pack contains:

    • Postcard layout
    • Business card layout
    • Phone script to convert enquirers to buyers
    • ‘Get ready to quit course’ leave-behind for any presentations you do, or other events you create or attend. You can also email this to enquirers
    • Content for your website
    • Attract, convince and convert clients better than any smoking cessation practitioner in your area.

    Here are some more testimonials from our previous delegates

    “I really enjoyed the training and felt that I learned a lot from the blend of written, audio and visual materials.”

    I really enjoyed the training and felt that I learned... Read More
    - Celia Almeida, Bristol, UK.

    “The Uncommon approach is certainly different to the way I was taught”

    I’ve just completed your ‘How to Stop Anyone Smoking’ online... Read More
    - Chris McFetridge, Certified Hypnotherapist, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

    "The script collection can readily be used for other addictions"

    The "How to Stop Anyone Smoking" Course by Uncommon Practitioners... Read More
    - Claudia Goodell, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Wellness Guide, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

    “Having tested it out on several new clients, I can hand on heart say that it creates an excellent environment for building rapport and trust, it allows clients to explore the relationship with cigarettes from a very different angle…”

    At the end of last year I signed up for... Read More
    - Dr. Simon Maryan MM, PhD, Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist, Aberdeen, Scotland.

    “The stop anyone smoking course was just so different from anything else. So well presented and understandable.”

    The stop anyone smoking course was just so different from... Read More
    - Frederick, Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP (Master), Sydney, Australia.

    “I’ve found that most people only require one session with me using this material”

    The course was extremely comprehensive and I’m not sure how... Read More
    - Gaye Morgan, Canberra, Australia.

    "I enabled him to see smoking in a totally different light"

    This program enabled me to help a very successful businessman... Read More
    - Ken Thompson, Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapist, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    “My background is 20+ years in learning and development so it takes quite a bit to impress me!”

    The course is very well put together, professional, and will... Read More
    - Janine Fowler, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Counsellor, Australia.

    "Unravels the confusions and the self-deception [of smoking] in masterful fashion"

    I can't recommend this course strongly enough. Having been a... Read More
    - John Henry James Strehlow, Author, Theatre director, London.

    “Everything a therapist needs to know in helping someone stop smoking”

    This course covered everything that a therapist needs to know... Read More
    - Kim Hansen, Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist, Sydney, Australia.

    “I really enjoyed doing this course and looked forward to each session I spent working on it”

    I really enjoyed doing this course and looked forward to... Read More
    - Melody Taylor, Taranaki, New Zealand.

    “This program was incredibly well written (a course that’s actually for humans!!).”

    Absolutely recommended! The greatest challenge facing most therapists is the... Read More
    - Nikko Ruffini, Hypnotherapist, Vancouver, Canada.

    “Your insights are unique and your instruction refreshing.”

    Completing your course was a pleasure. I have taken a... Read More
    - Robert Sieveking, CHT.

    “A client came to me recently and [now] has no doubt that she will never smoke again. … You provide the absolute best hypnotherapy training available. … Worth its weight in gold!”

    The materials are superb. I love the written material and... Read More
    - Rosemary Siple, Certified Hypnotherapist and Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA.

    “There are no missing puzzle pieces in this course! From start to finish every detail is explained to you and provided to you in audio, video, and transcript.”

    Having completed a number of online and offline courses (in... Read More
    - Sara McCann, Hypnotherapist, Northumberland, UK.

    “Before I dreaded [working with smoking clients], now I am excited”

    Thank you so much for this course. There is such... Read More
    - Sherry Hardt, Certified Hypnotherapist and EFT Coach, Florida, USA.

    “This is a much better approach and has some really wonderful information about the nature of addiction/habituation and how people are so different in their responses.”

    The course is wonderful. I’m just starting the second section.... Read More
    - Susan French, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Encino, California.

    “It is much more useful than traditional classroom teaching.”

    I loved the How to Stop Anyone Smoking course –... Read More
    - Vicky Tunaley, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, Leicestershire, England.

    "Very refreshing and feels far more up to date"

    The course I originally did was heavy going and focussed... Read More
    - Lynda Roberts, Hypnotherapist, Essex, UK.

    “I was impressed by the course structure and pleased by its beautiful approach”

    Having taught management and marketing for 25+ years, I was... Read More
    - Jim Colton, Consulting Hypnotist, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    “I just loved the positivity of the whole course”

    I just loved the positivity of the whole course, as... Read More
    - Sonny Brady, Positive Mind Therapist, New Zealand.

    “I had a smoker quit in one session and refer a friend”

    The course covered everything I needed to feel that I... Read More
    - Jeanette King, Hypnotherapist, Sydney, Australia.

    “Content was excellent and it was great that there were separate downloads for marketing!”

    A very thorough and professionally presented course. The content was... Read More
    - Grace Jones, Hypnotherapist, Cornwall, UK.

    “Now I can Stop Anyone Smoking”

    My results when I first started working with smokers who... Read More
    - Edgar Louis von Nordeck, Clinical Hypnotherapist, California, USA.

    “It is incredible to watch the clients go from coming in scared and doubtful, to leaving so elated and excited for the future”

    Before this course, I had quit accepting smokers because very... Read More
    - Pamela Shook, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Asheville, North Carolina, USA.

    “To his big astonishment (and mine as well to be honest) he left my house as a happy relaxed non-smoker!”

    As a beginning hypnotist I can only highly recommend this... Read More
    - Caren van Lente, Scuba dive instructor and hypnotist, Hurgada, Egypt.

    “I will be a much better therapist because of them…”

    I have thoroughly enjoyed doing all the courses and this... Read More
    - Rose Morgan, Christchurch, New Zealand.

    “It really was a difference of night and day from the old approach I was using…”

    I’d just like to say how helpful I found the... Read More
    - Catherine Lee, Hamilton, Scotland.

    “It has really added to my confidence in dealing with future smoking clients, giving me a clearer idea of what to do and techniques to try…”

    I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the course.... Read More
    - Tessa, Hypnotherapist, UK.

    “I can honestly say that the How to Stop Anyone Smoking course has given me knowledge, confidence, and a skill set that I haven’t had before.”

    Having just had my first smoking cessation client, I can... Read More
    - Gae Mackay, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Darwin, Australia.

    “The course was easy to learn and very helpful, I had no difficulty with it.”

    I had been putting off treating clients who wanted to... Read More
    - Judy Gaden, Hypnotherapist, UK.

    “I feel I have learned more than I did in two years of trying to understand…”

    For a short time of study with this course, I... Read More
    - Alexandra Addams, Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Scotland.

    “I’m always picking up new insights the more I go over it”

    I loved the layout of the course and the different... Read More
    - Adrian Byrne, Hypnotherapist, Ireland.

    “The fact I can go back and review the material really helps strengthen my knowledge from what I’ve learned so far”

    I loved this course as it consolidated all the best... Read More
    - Steve Dodson, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Noosa Heads, Australia.

    “What I have learned on this course so far has opened my eyes to even greater success using these techniques.”

    Resistance with two clients on the same day traumatised me... Read More
    - Patricia Baker.

    “Highly recommend to any hypnotherapist choosing to increase their confidence and business.”

    Variety of methods used to enhance learning. Great content and... Read More
    - Sally Gregoire, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Perth, Western Australia.

    "Exponentially increase your success rate with smokers"

    Just imagine that you can discover the step-by-step lesser-known secrets... Read More
    - Aidan Noone, Hypnotherapist, Ireland.

    Money back guarantee

    Guarantee Icon

    We aim to over-deliver on our promises in order to provide you with an enjoyable and enriching training experience that will get you not only returning for more training, but recommending us to your friends and colleagues!

    Part of that goal is our promise that you will find treating your next three smoking cessation clients to be an effective and highly enjoyable experience – for both you and them! If not, simply let us know and we will give you a full refund.

    This course will be open soon. Click here to be notified.

    What will I learn in each session of the course?

    Session 1 – Understand the true nature of addiction and create rapport with your client

    During this session, you will understand the process that leads someone to lock a habit in place unconsciously. This cutting-edge information will help build your skills so that you will be able to:

    • Cover every unique aspect of a smoker’s motivational driving forces
    • Build rapport so that your client trusts you to help them stop
    • Gather the relevant information and build an expectation of positive outcome from the session.

    Session 2 – Reframing: Changing the emotional patterns that perpetuate compulsive and habitual behaviour

    This session focuses on unhelpful and often untrue common beliefs about smoking, and how they contribute to the smoker’s excuses not to stop and provide a justification to smoke. You will also understand how to make subtle changes in the way your client thinks and feels about cigarettes. You will learn how to separate an unwanted activity from the smoker’s core identity and how to skillfully deliver reframes so that they are integrated into the smoker’s mindset.

    Session 3 – How to use a client’s sticking points and resistance to get to the turning point

    Sometimes, no matter how good you are at reframing, your client will have such set negative ideas and an endless stream of ‘yes, buts…’ that it stops treatment moving on in a helpful way. This session focuses on overcoming client resistance by building advanced levels of rapport.

    Everything a client brings to the therapy session, even the negative ideas, can be used to change the emotional compulsion to smoke. This helps ensure that session goals and desired outcomes can be achieved. Through skilful use of language and phrasing, you will build an advanced level of rapport that will work as a vehicle for delivering new and more helpful ways of viewing the unwanted activity. Knowing how to work with resistance can power a stuck session and once again move it towards the agreed goals.

    Session 4 – Create emotional links to drive positive expectation

    You have learnt some powerful ways to change a client’s compulsion to smoke and how the mind holds viewpoints that are linked to emotion. When you can get someone thinking about a future without cigarettes, you can start to build the emotion that will help to fix in new behaviour. In this session, we will look at creating a template for future behaviour without the old urge to smoke.

    You will learn:

    • How to ask questions that create beneficial new templates for behaviour.
    • How visual imagery taps into the process that drives motivation, positive expectation, and determination.

    Session 5 – Ending the session and dealing with relapse

    In this session:

    • You will learn how to increase your client’s expectation of positive outcome at the end of a session.
    • You will learn how to reframe disappointment and increase motivation and personal belief in reaching the agreed goal.
    • We will be going over how the skills you now have are pulled together to create an effective stop smoking session.

    Here’s the detail on how it works:

    1. You access the course by clicking the ‘Enroll now’ button at the bottom of the page.
    2. Your log in details will be emailed to you, so you can get immediate access to the course materials and the comments section where you can introduce yourself to your fellow delegates.
    3. You can begin Session 1 straight away, during which you learn how to create rapport with your client, and understand the true nature of addiction. You listen to the audio lecture for the session and download the materials.
    4. You complete the short test at the end of Session 1, then you move on to Session 2, and so on through each of the 5 sessions.
    5. As you go along, you ask any questions you have in the comments boxes you’ll find on every page, or save them up for the monthly Q&A call.
    6. You continue through the course in this fashion until you have completed all of the session tests.
    7. You receive your certificate of completion along with confirmation of 14 CPD hours/points earned.
    8. You continue to have access to the course materials online for as long as you need so you can check something or if you need a refresher.

    This course will be open soon. Click here to be notified.