When our lives feel meaningful we are energized and focused. Even suffering is made more bearable. So when the human need for meaning is met in an unhealthy way, it can wreak havoc.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs Articles by Mark Tyrrell
We all have emotional and physical needs. When we are not clear about what they and how we should meet them in healthy ways then we become prey to manipulation from abusive people, cults and our own instinctive but misguided attempts to meet them. These attempts might seem to satisfy us but can cause, as you’ll see in the pages of these articles, huge problems. Understanding the ‘dark side’ of human needs is vital for anyone seriously interested in what makes people make bad decisions and fall into self destruction.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Mind and Body
The connection between the body and mind mean mental and physical health cannot be disentangled, especially with it comes to meeting our Primal Human Needs.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Challenge
What can a lack of meaningful creative challenge do to people? Part seven in this series explores the detrimental effects of this unfulfilled need.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Connection
Part five in the series explores our innate human desire for a sense of community and how it can work against us.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Intimacy
Part four in the series explores how the need for love and intimacy can lead to stalking, accepting abuse and impossible relationships.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Control
Part three of the series explores the need for control and how it can betray us when it is met in unhealthy ways.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Safety
Part two of the series explores the inherent human need to feel safe and secure and shows how it can lead those desperate enough into unsafe situations.
The Dark Side of Your Emotional Needs – Attention
Why do otherwise rational human beings do crazy things? This series on the dark side of human emotional needs seeks to answer just this question, and to show you how you can use this understanding to help your clients, enrich the lives of those around you, and, most importantly, make sure you are meeting your […]